Reunion Weekend

Reunion Attendees

Look Who's Heading Back to the Hill in June!

The rumours are true! Check back here often to see the alumni we have heard are heading back to the Hill for Reunion Weekend 2024!

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The 1950s
John Baxter '59
Bill Boyd '59
Don Hazen '59
Charles Hiscock '59
Peter Sodero '59
Tom Starkey '59

Frank Davis '63
Mel Young '63
Barbara (Lynch) Davis '64
Susan (Kinnear) Ness '64
Ella Turnbull '64
Hugh McLellan '65
Pat Balcom '69
David Campbell '69
Michael Gunter '69
Andrew Notere '69
Allen Prowse '69
Harry Scarth '69
Carolyn Stephenson '69

The 1970s
Peter Anderson '74
Caroline Bourassa '74
Rick Buckingham '74
Jim Brittain '74
Linda Coates-Markle '74
Jim Day '74
Hilary Drain '74
Hugh Gregory '74
Jacky Lavoie '74
Katherine Lynch '74
Wayne MacGregor '74
Alan Salsman '74
Lloyd Shears '74
Cari (Chesley) Van Lingen '74
Colleen Bonney '79
Steve Cunningham '79
Chris Dodd '79
Rob Salsman '79

The 1980s
Nora Valentino '82
Lyn Salsman Waller '83
Maggie (Walmark) Davis '84
Dan Groppini '84
Debbie Hackett '84
Margaret (Hackett) Totten '84
Anna Marino '84
Catherine (Ferris) Mason '84
Steve Turnbull '84
The 1990s
Andrew Tidby '94
Erin (Revill) Crosby '99
James Crosby '99
Cameron (Bird) Saskin '99

The 2000s
Marc Blanchard '04
Riley Carter '04
Natasha Meier '04
Johanna (Wagishauser) Platt '04
Matt Poirier '04
Will Trivett '04
Sheena Young '04
Patience (McCann) Bandoma '09
Vivek Prabhu '09
Ashlyn Somers '09

The 2010s
Alec Belyea '13
Jessica (Burbine) Belyea '14
Carlos Hurtado '14
Maddy Peters '19
Erin Usher '19

The 2020s

Alumni Faculty & Staff
Mila McMackin
40 College Hill Road
Rothesay, NB
E2E 5H1

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