

RNS is made of up students from every continent, and is diverse in terms of culture, nationality and language. We are committed to the academic and personal growth of every student in our school community. Students whose first language is not English may require a supplementary course in English language learning to improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and successfully challenge our rigorous academic program.
The English as an Additional Language (EAL) Department at Rothesay Netherwood School aims to provide each student with the language skills necessary to successfully challenge the RNS IB Curriculum, as well as the preparation necessary for admission to North American universities.  In addition, it is our goal that each student will experience significant personal growth through integration within the school community. Students are placed in EAL courses according to both grade level and ability, which is measured using standards of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
Our program develops students’ appreciation of our school culture and that of the wider Atlantic Canadian community, while supporting their sense of pride in their own cultures and languages.

Students learn to be responsible for their own progress as language learners, allowing them to successfully continue their language skill development independently in their subject courses, at university and beyond. 

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Millie O'Brien

    Millie O'Brien 

    English, EAL Teacher
40 College Hill Road
Rothesay, NB
E2E 5H1

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