Please make your cheque or money order payable to Rothesay Netherwood School, and note "donation" on the memo line. Your cheque can be dropped off at the school office, or can be mailed to the address below. We are happy to accept post-dated cheques if you wish to spread your gift out over several months or years. We can also accept a VOID cheque if you would like to set up a monthly direct-deposit donation plan.
Rothesay Netherwood School Development & Alumni Affairs 40 College Hill Rd. Rothesay, NB Canada E2E 5H1
We are able to accept VISA, MasterCard, and American Express. Credit card donations can be made over the telephone, by fax, by mail or online by clicking here. For security reasons, please do not send your credit card information by email.
To make your credit card donation over the telephone, please contact Nic Carhart at 506-848-0861.
To make your credit card donation by mail, please send a note to the Development & Alumni Affairs Office at the address above
We will need the following information in order to process your credit card donation: type of card, expiry date, name of cardholder, the amount of the donation , and whether it is a one-time gift or a recurring gift ($___ per month/year for ____ months/years).
Many companies will match their employees and directors gifts to educational institutions. Perhaps your employer is one of them. To find out, please contact your company’s human resources office to inquire about matching your gift to the school. Send your employer's matching gift form to Rothesay Netherwood School and we'll do the rest.
Donations to the United Way can be directed to RNS. Donors will receive a receipt for tax purposes and be recognized as a United Way donor as well as a supporter of RNS.
Gifts of stock allow the donor to claim the fair market value of appreciated securities at the time the gift is made. Stocks and securities can be transferred to one of the following:
RNS Foundation Inc. (Canadian funds) or to Rothesay Netherwood School US Foundation, Inc. (US funds)
Before you transfer your gift of shares, please contact The RNS Development Office ( or 506-848-0861). We need to know who is transferring the shares in order to issue a tax receipt. We also recommend that you speak with your financial advisor.
A bequest made through a donor's will is probably the best known form of planned giving. Bequests are considered to be revocable, or legally non-binding. Consequently, there is no immediate income tax benefit associated with a bequest. However, a receipt for the full value of the bequest is issued to the donor's estate in the year of death. This receipt can be applied to the donor's final income tax return and will offset taxes payable by the estate. Donors can claim up to 100% of net income with a one-‐year carry-back.
A charitable bequest directed to Rothesay Netherwood School may be stated in your will in a variety of ways: a specific dollar amount, a percentage of an estate, or as the residual of the estate. When you decide to include a bequest to Rothesay Netherwood School in your will, it is important that your lawyer be consulted. By drafting a will and keeping it valid and up to date, you can ensure that your family, friends and the school are provided for as you intended.
For more information, please contact The Development & Alumni Affairs Office at 506-848-0861 or via . All enquiries are held in the strictest confidence.
Gifting property such as a cottage, home, rental property or undeveloped land is a wonderful method of charitable giving that can provide donors with tax relief. Upon proof of appraisal, donors can receive a tax receipt equal to the value of the property being donated. The donor may also avoid paying taxes on the capital gains that would be realized by the property at time of sale by donating it to RNS.
We are always in need of items such as quality athletic equipment, art supplies, library resources and furniture. If you wish to donate items to RNS, we'd love to hear from you. We can issue tax receipts upon receipt of certified appraisals of your donation.
A Tribute in Donations
Rothesay Netherwood School will gratefully accept donations in memory of someone or in honour of someone or a special occasion. We would be pleased to send a notification card to the family or appropriate person on your behalf as well, if you would like us to.
Many of our alumni choose to mark their anniversary of graduation or other special occasions with a celebratory gift to the school. This is also a unique way to celebrate a milestone event, or to provide a gift for a hard-to-buy-for-person.
As well, a number of alumni and friends have indicated that they have chosen Rothesay Netherwood School as the preferred charity for their memorial donations. Combined with a bequest, this is a wonderful way to start a personal endowment to create a scholarship which would help future students.
In Tribute donations will support the area of greatest need, or may be directed by the donor to another area of need at the school. Click here to view a list of named bursary and scholarship funds. Some donors also choose to honour loved ones by naming a tree, chair, room, or bursary fund in tribute. Please see the Opportunities menu on this page for additional details.
Should you wish further information about in tribute donations, we would be pleased to speak with you. Please contact Nic Carhart in the Development & Alumni Affairs Office at 506-848-0861 or via email at
Gift Naming
In recognition of support at certain levels, the school is pleased to offer donors the opportunity to have a plaque mounted on, or near, the specific area being funded. There are several commemorative opportunities outlined below. If this is in tribute to someone, we would be pleased to send a card to the recipient notifying them of your gift.
For more information about gifts for special occasions, please contact Nic Carhart in the Development & Alumni Affairs Office at 506-848-0861 or via email at
Walkway Bench $3000
Choose to donate a bench to adorn one of our many campus walkways. A tribute plaque will be installed on each bench.
Campus Tree - $1500
Celebrate with a living tribute that will be enjoyed by future generations of students. Choose a young maple, chestnut, or flowering crab tree. A tribute name plaque will be displayed at the base of each tree.
Alumni Chair - $1000
Beautiful maple dining hall chairs are engraved with the names of many former students and classes of our school. Names are engraved into the back of the chair, and the school crest of your choice adorns the front.
Bursary & Scholarship Funds
About a third of Rothesay Netherwood Students receive some form of financial aid to allow them to attend our school. Helping others is one of the principal values of our school, and our bursary and scholarship funds allow us to help students with financial needs.
If you wish to establish a bursary or scholarship, please contact The Development and Alumni Affairs Office ( 506.848.0861 or
If you have further questions on how best to direct your gift, please contact The Development and Alumni Affairs Office (giving@rns.ccor 506.848.0861).
Rothesay Netherwood School is a registered not-for-profit organization with the Canada Revenue Agency (registration number 107916330RR0001). A charitable receipt will be issued by Rothesay Netherwood School for most donations.
RNS Foundation Inc. is a registered not-for-profit organization with the Canada Revenue Agency (registration number 119111714RR0001 . A charitable receipt will be issued by RNS Foundation Inc. for some donations.
Rothesay Netherwood School US Foundation, Inc. is a US Internal Revenue Service Code section 501(c) (3) charitable corporation (IRS Tax No. 46-4702044). Donations made in US funds will generate a US charitable tax receipt issued by Rothesay Netherwood School US Foundation, Inc.
Rothesay Netherwood School is located on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik and Mi’kmaq Peoples. We are honoured to share this place, and as a school community we are committed to being responsible stewards of the land on which we live, teach, and learn, both today and for future generations.