Reunion Weekend

RNS Residence Rentals

Thank you for booking your stay "on the Hill" for Reunion Weekend 2024! 
To Begin your registration, let us know how many guests (yourself included) will be in your room - this first step is for a head count only and there will be no charge placed.

Next, choose your length of stay in the residence by selecting '1' for each night you will be staying with us (this counts the night not people so ensure you choose '1'). Please enter the contact details for you and any guests in your room in the screen that follows before proceeding to payment. 

Please review the RNS Residences Rental Agreement here.
Room Amenities: Each room offers two twin beds with bedding and pillow, a safe, closet space, as well as two desks and chairs. A limited quantity of towels are available in the common room for each dorm but it is encouraged that you bring your own with you. Please pack any soaps, shampoos, and toiletries you require. Residences are not air conditioned, so you may also wish to bring a fan with you (all windows do open however.)
Netherwood and Kirk Houses have one private bathrooms in each room complete with sink, mirror, toilet, and shower. We will fill these two residences with guests first on a first registered, first served basis.

Mackay and Quinn Houses have one shared bathroom per floor with individual toilets and showers and a common sink area. These dorms will be filled on an as need basis should Netherwood and Kirk Houses be at full occupancy.
A continental breakfast is included for Reunion Weekend guests who have booked their stay in an RNS residence. Breakfast will be available on Friday and Saturday mornings from 8am-9am. Sunday Breakfast is on your own as the Dining Hall will be preparing for the Alumni Farewell Brunch.
Payments by credit (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX) are taken securely online when you submit your booking.
If you have questions regarding your stay on campus, please contact Nic Carhart at (506) 848-0861 or
40 College Hill Road
Rothesay, NB
E2E 5H1

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